Whether you think you are Beautiful or Average, the choice is yours.
True beauty is not related to what color your hair is or what color your eyes are. True beauty is about who you are as a human being, your principles, your moral compass.
Women from different places across the globe were secretly filmed as they walked into the entrance of a shopping mall with a sign “Beautiful” and “Average”. And their choice puts me in “awe”. Watch the full video here…
To be honest, I’m confused which door will I choose too. I want to choose “Beautiful” because that’s how I perceive myself. And if I take into consideration what others perceive of me, I will choose “Average”. I know I’m being drastic to myself, but that’s how tough real world is. They judge you first based on how you look not on who you are as a person.
Though, there’s one thing I learned from watching this video it’s about “ACCEPTANCE”. Accepting that you are “Beautiful” despite what others think. And Accepting yourself first before anyone else, because if you don’t, others might not going to accept you as well.
So remember, empowering yourself is a choice.
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