When I look back to what happened to me during this year — my mind gets puzzled. I don’t know why, but I felt like everything happens real fast, and I can’t think of anything significant except for my birthday. I even have no idea how I survived six months of being at home. But I did! Haha
So, to put everything into place, I revisited my social media accounts and blog posts to figure out “what I did this year” and do an annual review based on Chris Guillebeau’s method.
This year was the year of “discovery” for me. I found out that I can do things I am afraid of doing — web design, copy writing, and sharing my blog to people. This was also the year that I finally take baby steps toward serious blogging and do real work for my family. The result? Great opportunities and projects.
But, there are really good things that I am truly grateful for in 2014. Here are the collaged of my favorite events for 2014.
Karen Meets World Birthday. I always look forward to my birthday, because I get to celebrate it with the people I love most — My Family.
Blog Your Best Year Workshop. The best workshop I have attended!!! It helps me to make my blog more meaningful. A tiny yet big steps toward achieving my “dream blog”.
Project Mom Book Workshop. It’s our first event with Project Mom, the workshop has taught me a lot about motherhood and makes me understand and love my Mom even more.
Birthdays in the Family. Celebrating birthdays every month is what we love. Not only because of the event but also because we get to see each other often.
My Family’s Thanksgiving Ritual. Every year, we go to Antipolo Church to give thanks for all the blessings God has given us and offer our solemn prayer to the Virgin of Antipolo.
Singapore Adventure. My first out-of-the-country trip with my friend-travel buddy “Paola”. I really love Singapore — the food, the fresh air, the tourist spots, and the MRT.
Blogapalooza. I joined for the first time different bloggers in the country for the biggest Business to Blogging event held in SMX Aura!!! Love the Opportunities that blogapalooza opens for me…
Jonathan and Aileen Nuptial. The Grand Wedding of 2014. Feeling so happy that our family is growing!!!
Philippine Fashion Week. Seeing real fashion show for the first time is very surreal!!! One of my top3 events this year. Thanks to Ms. Patty Laurel-Filart for making it all happen.
Christmas Party. Celebrating a day with 7M tech geeks — foods, games, and cash prizes are a lot of fun. Glad that I’m being surrounded again with happy-talented people.
Kamay ni Jesus. The year has been pretty challenging, so we hike up to Kamay ni Jesus in Quezon to ask for our families guidance.
Media Noche. Welcoming 2015 in the City with positive energy and good food is <3.
One of my main goals for this year is to get an official .com blog with a proper personal branding– logo, design theme, categories, etc. You know how I dream of it, for years, but still struggling to keep up. On the brighter side, I am slowly working really hard for it and I’m exploring all the areas on my blog to make it all happen THIS YEAR (fingers crossed).
I also need a lot of improvement on updating my blog post monthly. Lots of blog posts have been pending because of busy schedule and lack of time for writing — causing real delays on posting and updating. Any tips on how to improve my blogging?
Late this year, I study and work on copy writing and SEO. Being a former writer in the government, this is really new to me — writing for business people and at the same time writing for Google (How do people search online, how do they think…). My writing skills are straight forward, superfluous and adjective-friendly… Haha Also, writing with a limited word count and a specific keyword is quite challenging.
Everything is a trial and error but a great exploration in my writing/blogging strategies.
Last year, I’ve been focused on doing so many things that I forget to enjoy life. So, this year I will try to balance everything by — ENJOYING LIFE AND CHASING DREAMS.

I don’t know what 2015 has stored for me — whether it will be challenging or fun, I will just ENJOY each day of my LIFE and live positively. Because, I know that when my aura is surrounded by positive energy, the world will conspire and give me the brightest day, every day.
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
When it comes to “dreams” I have a long list written in my notebook. I have already checked a few but, there are still a lot to fulfill, this year, I will take steps and complete at least half of my dream list. Cheer for me!!!
SHARE YOUR 2014 with Me.
Let me know how your 2014 went? Did you accomplish a lot? Which areas are you lacking? I would love to read them.
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