There’s something about arts and creatives that gives me that push to continue pursuing my passion. I can’t really describe what it is. It just push and move me. Have you felt that too? I’m not a creative person, or at least that’s what I believe. I can’t create designs or draw as good as those artist we see on exhibits, fineprints, and online magazines. I just create and trust that it will look nice.
Last April 11, I was fortunate enough to be invited by Woman Create to attend Sofia Cope’s collage workshop entitled “She Creates, She Can Change” at Fullybooked. Pat me on my back as I was able to make it. 🙂 I’ve actually met a lot of creative people and learn new things through art. :))
I really enjoyed this workshop a lot! That’s why I create a separate post for this. Her lessons and words motivates me to make things and reveal my creative self.
LESSON 1: 5 Myths of Creativity
Her first lesson taught us to shy away from the Creativity Myths that we believed in through the years and continue with our craft. Here are the 5 Myths of Creativity:
1. It Isn’t a talent. It is working to what you know.
2. It Isn’t always synonymous to originality.
3. It Isn’t stagnant.
4. It Isn’t reserved for a few certain people.
5. It Isn’t a hobby. It is a habit.
LESSON 2: How to Make a Collage?
Sophia Cope was known for her instagram collage masterpieces. Her instagram account was so unique that makes you want to do it to. She shares with us how she craft her instagram collage post and stories.
Step 1: Cut Pictures from Magazines / Web
Step 2: Arrange Pictures on your Preference
Step 3: Take Pictures / Save Image
Step 4: Publish
That’s it, you will now have your own collage. Each collage varies depending on your interpretation of art. Each designs showcases not only your personality but also your vision towards a certain topic.
The People Who Can Create, Can Change!

We believe, We Can Change the World Through Our Arts!
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