I woke up early today so I thought why not update my blog with the snaps from yesterday’s event. 🙂 So, yesterday, I attended School of Law’s (SOL) Christmas Party or should I say SOLidarity Night with the theme The Great Gatsby at 1898 Hotel.
It was fun. I watched the students play games, and sing a song along with the SOL professors. I also joined on the raffle (which I have no luck with, as always! LOL!) I’m so bad at raffle games. Haha But I’m happy for those who won. 🙂 Then in between that… I ate the party food – I love the fish fillet, the veggies, and the cream cake. It was tasty.
Though most of the time, I sneaked out from our table to take photos at the photo booth area. The night was so young to have it spent only at the table. And “sayang yung make up ko kung hindi susulitin ang pagpapapicture – minsan lang yun. Haha” (Trans: My make up will be wasted if I won’t make the most out of it. It was rare for me to have my make up done. So let’s take more photos while we were at it. HAHA).
Well… since we were already talking about photos… Here’s the snaps from yesterday’s #GatsbyParty!

SOLidarity Night Party
My colleagues who were looking so gorgeous despite the stress and lack of sleep from the recent SOL exam week! We made it guys! 🙂
My pioneer Juris Doctor Batch who gave me headache and love all at the same time… Lol I’m soo happy to have spent my first (and hopefully not the last) Christmas Party with you guys! Until the next one… 🙂

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