2019 has been a rough year for me financially, physically, emotionally, and mentally! I could say that 2019 was not a good year for me. I’ve felt the heaviness of the year that it weighs me down BIG TIME!
I am nearly broke! I only have Php 1,350.oo or USD 25.00 in my bank account right now. It’s something I’m ashamed of because you know I am very thrifty with money and I saved a lot. But… This year, I don’t know what happened. I’m so all over the place that my money was gone fast. Faster than I received it. I lost track to where I’ve spent everything and because of this I got stressed and anxious. Imagine having no savings for the year but still got debt to pay. It’s saddening. 🙁
THE GOOD: The only good thing about it was I have paid all my monthly bills and never missed it. Responsibility Check!
IN 2020: I’m gonna get back on track. I will save money, review my finances weekly; and be in control with my money and not the other way around.
Being broke got me sick a lot this year. I’ve been seeing our doctor frequently for the first half of the year and calling my mindset coach monthly. It sucks! Because every time I got sick my savings got stashed which led me to overthink again my financial status. It’s like a cycle to my mind. I hate being sick!
THE GOOD: Spending time with my mindset coach and take on their regular BE CAPTIVATING coaching has helped me survived this year and prevented me from hurting myself physically. I see my situations on a different perspective and work my way out to stand strong.
IN 2020: I’m gonna take care of myself physically, emotionally, and mentally. I will not abuse my body and listen to it when it tells me to rest. Also, I’m hoping to leave my anxiety in 2019.
I just started my new work last July and I am still learning the ins and outs of my job. There’s a challenge during that period as it was an opposite to what I usually do – web and graphic design. But… It’s a good transition. I kept myself busy and I am able to divert my attention from my internal issues to work.
THE GOOD: I am able to meet new people that I became friends with and hopefully I get to inspire some of them to pursue their goals despite the pressure.
IN 2020: I’m gonna work only within my capabilities and I won’t say “yes” to all. I’ll say “yes” only to what I feel right.
Despite the challenges in 2019, I couldn’t hide that there’s still something good that happened to me. Even if it’s only a few…
- I finally got a job after a year of being a freelancer.
- I spend time with my family. It got us closer now.
- I am able to live the life without fear of other people’s judgement.
- I was able to watch concerts I loved.
- I am able to remain strong despite the struggle.
I have yet to think of my theme and goal for the new year. All I wish is for me, my parents, and my family to be healthy, happy, and abundant. That’s all I asked for, for the new year. 🙂
I’ll end my review here. I got to prepare for the New Year’s Eve later.
I hope you guys have a good one.
But REMEMBER before you start making a goal or a new year’s resolution review first where you are right now because that will be your starting point to where you want to go for the new year!
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