We woke up really early during our last day in Seoul because we need to be at Incheon Airport by 10:00am. It’s hard to wake up and think that it was already our last day and that we will be going back to Manila but we had to. 🙁 🙂 I’m surely gonna miss this place — the food, the agencies, and the culture.
I think we left Seoul bringing the lessons we learned with us:
- Getting lost in a new city was fun and exciting!
- It’s always nice to know their language (hangul).
- Roaming around a new place by yourself was frightening but enjoyable.
- People were always be there to help even there’s a language barrier.
- Book meals as you booked your plane ticket if you want to eat the food you like during your flight.
- Breakfast was always at 8:00 (the earliest). Wash Yourself. Eat and Go!
The rain pours hard during that time that it was hard for us to walk to the bus station with our luggage on but we made it anyway! So hurray! 🙂 We flew to Manila but we will come back next year Seoul! 🙂

5-Day Korea Trip Budget Breakdown
Here’s a budget breakdown of my 5-day trip to Seoul. You may notice that it was a lot compared to budget trips you read on the internet like the 10k-15k trip. Well! My budget trips were always 25k-35k all in but could increase depending on my agenda for the trip. Though most of the time it’s 25k. But because it’s Korea and I don’t want to deprived myself of shopping Kpop items and K-food. I alloted 35k for it. 🙂
Though it’s good to have availed plane ticket promo fare or a group package trip. I still recommend having an own trip, own itinerary without time and so much budget limit. However, it’s still up to you guys which you prefer. The important thing was you had FUN during the trip.
Budget breakdown as follows:
Item | Cost |
Visa | Php 1, 300.00 |
Plane Ticket | Php 14, 331.85 |
Hotel | Php 3, 956.40 |
Pocket Wifi | Php 1, 164.45 |
Transpo | Php 2, 000.00 |
Gyeongbokgung Entrance | Php 300.00 |
Food and Pasalubong (Souvenir) | Php 11, 947.3 |
Total | Php 35,000.oo |
Day 1: Visit Seoul, Hello Korea
Day 2: Touring Seoul-O at Hongdae
Day 3: JYP, SM, FNC, and YG Entertainment Buildings Tour
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